OBJECTIVE: Increasing brand trust and credibility as a coach, increase audience touch points, and add value for the reader

BRAND VOICE: Confident and authoritative, able to give advice to the

Subject Line: 2x your productivity eating frogs?

You ever wake up in the morning, ready to tackle the day…

And then somehow, before you know it -

the day is over, and you’ve hardly accomplished anything on your to-do list.

I’ve been there.

And while I definitely enjoy a good lazy day every now and then (doesn’t everyone?)

it feels a lot better when my lazy days are planned intentionally instead of




I’ve spent hours researching the best productivity hacks,

and years longer trying them out to find the ones that are really effective.

I’m here to share my favorites so you can start hacking your productivity right. Now!

#1: Eat your frog.